You Can’t Do It All

Sometimes life runs away with you. The past month has been hectic. A new promotion at work has kept me busy as well as my 26th birthday, Halloween celebrations, my computer dying and catching a cold. As a person with more hobbies than I can count on two hands, big dreams and normal adult responsibilities, I wonder, how do you do it all?

I guess the answer is easy: you don’t. You prioritize, you plan, you set time aside but things fall through the cracks. If you’re a dreamer like me, you have more ideas than years to live. So you stick with the good ideas, and hope that they go someplace special. Once in a while you need a little break to re-prioritize what’s important.

Expect to see me posting around here on a regular schedule again. In the next few weeks I’ll be catching up with all the things I haven’t had a chance to share yet: my handmade Halloween costume, a slew of little crafts and my twelve year running art project. I’ll also be replacing Flashback Friday with Friday Favorites as I’ve burned through a lot of my older projects, or at least the ones with photos.

To those of you who stuck around during the break, thank you so much for the support to Quill Alley this year. It really means a lot. As always feedback is welcome! Let me know if there is anything you want to see.