Friday Favorites: Minecraft

Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft. It’s pretty much the greatest way to de-stress this time of year. I’ve been pretty obsessed with this game since I got the game back in 2010. I wasn’t playing very much for a while after my PC died and it’s a ton of fun to play again.

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Mostly I play on our private server Papyrus with a few friends. It’s been running continuously for a few years now and a lot of stuff has been built on it. For the foreseeable future it’s going to remain private, so sorry guys.These texture packs are mostly Willpack and Romancraft in the first picture only.

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Right now my boyfriend is building me a new PC as a Christmas present. Once that’s complete it’ll be a lot easier to play. I might even do a bit more streaming.


My boyfriend built this amazing castle.


This is my Disney inspired theme park and like much of the server it’s a massively huge work in progress.


The cauldron shaped potion shop in Hogsmeade.


The Rainbow Room in the Seabase.

I could probably do a dozen posts on our server and still not show the half of it. I did a little video on it previously over here.


Have a great weekend folks!