Trying to Love the Holiday Hussle

I’m in retail and like most shops this is our busiest time of the year. I’m coming up on my ninth Christmas helping customers and it’s hard to not let the stress, endless mental to do list, crowded public places and never ending lines ruin what’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.


I try to find ways to still enjoy the season since nobody likes a Scrooge. My favorite part of Christmas is watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special. I’ve watched it about a hundred times and it never gets old.


My second favorite part of Christmas is decorating. I’m surrounded by Christmas red at work so my tree is silver and frosty light blue.

My boyfriend got me this faux tree last year and I love it so much.

The little present ornaments I made with recycled cardboard and scraps of wrapping paper. Later this week I’ll have a tutorial on how to make these yourselves.

How about you? Does work or haste of the holidays make it hard to enjoy the season? Let me know it the comments.

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